Higher Ground Garden Blog

Monday, March 30, 2015

March 30 2015

March 31 2015


625 Walla Walla sweet onions were planted today. We use a no-till process where the beds are worked with a Broad Fork and raked flat. We are planting 4 rows of onions across a 30 inch bed. We heard that onion starts might be scarce this year so we are purchasing  and planting early. We will water by hand for a few days and then use our drip system.



March 28, 2015

March 28, 2015


Soil Blocking

·         50 Faro Cabbage

·         50 Napa Cabbage

·         100 Broccoli

Garden work

·         Laid out beds. On the Rusk side of Garden the beds are roughly 25-30 inch with 12-18 inch walking paths. Beds are NOT raised. We laid down spent Hops from Jim Fields to mark the pathways. The hops are intended to suppress weeds and add additional organic material

·         Laid out beds. On the Higher Ground side we are using 30 inch raised beds with 18 inch walk ways as described by J-M Fortier.

·         Peas were direct seeded into the short beds 22 and 23 west of the south greenhouse.

·         Herbs were planted in rows 5a and b

·         Creating a storage area on east end of south greenhouse



March 21, 2015

March 21, 2015

First spring work day.

Transplanted to South Tunnel
360 lettuce plants
75 Arugula plants
50 spinach plants

125 Kale
120 lettuce
100 spinach
75 chard

Other Garden work
Screened Compost
Water garlic
Added battens to tunnels to keep plastic in place
Weeded kids garden
Set up picnic area